Hard Stools Remedies

Best stool softner for daily use

Hard stools can often lead to complications like anal fissures, fecal impaction, and rectal prolapse.

Natural stool-softeners can be a boon in relieving constipation.

Include fiber-rich food: Fiber adds bulk and softens stools easier to pass out of the digestive system. Fiber supplements are also effective and easily available.

Drink water: Increasing water in the digestive tract can make stool softer.

Walking: Exercise stimulates digestion.

Epsom salt: Adding Epsom salt to a bathtub increases the peristaltic movement of the bowel.

Mineral oil: It is a lubricant laxative when taken orally along with juice helps to soften stool.

Home remedy to soften stool

Mineral oil like olive oil or flaxseed oil acts as a lubricant when consumed orally. It promotes bowel movement by coating the stool and bowel. It retains moisture and helps in the easy passage of stool


Insoluble fiber is the most effective way of softening stools. It does not dissolve in water and helps food to pass more quickly from the stomach to the intestines.

1. Abdominal massage: Rubbing the stomach in circular motions can stimulate bowel movements.

2. Fibrous food, water, and exercise can help soften hard stools.

Aloe vera juice mixed with 2 teaspoons of water every morning, one teaspoon of olive oil on empty stomach with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, chia seeds soaked for a few minutes in water, and flaxseeds powder added to juice or water helps soften stools.

Prunes and prune juice are well known for being a natural laxative that is quick and effective.12

Keep yourself hydrated. You can also use home remedies like aloe vera juice mixed with 2 teaspoons of water every morning, one teaspoon of olive oil on empty stomach with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, chia seeds soaked for a few minutes in water, and flaxseeds powder added to juice or water help soften stools.

Mineral oil like castor oil, prunes, and prune juice are well known for being a natural laxative that is quick and effective.

Senna leaves tea, lemon, and honey mixed in warm water on an empty stomach, milk, and ghee before bedtime, prunes, and prune juice help to relieve constipation.